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MJA guidelines on sponsorship

Advertising and sponsorship are important to the MJA in helping us to provide value for our members. These guidelines are to ensure we do business in keeping with MJA values. Our members expect the MJA to be trustworthy, independent and to have integrity. Our advertising and sponsorship should support that expectation.

Advertising/Sponsored Content

The MJA accepts advertising for products and services that are of interest to users in their personal and as well as professional lives. Advertisements and sponsored content must be legal, decent and truthful and comply with the relevant laws, regulations and industry codes for the geographic area in which they appear.

Our users should immediately be able to distinguish between sponsored content and editorial content.

Advertisements for products making therapeutic claims but without marketing authorisation or CE marking (or local equivalent), should be submitted with all claims substantiated in full length research papers published in peer reviewed journals.

Sponsored content should be clearly identifiable. The nature of any commercial relationship must be transparent to our users. Advertising and sponsorship should be delivered in context. Surreptitious or subliminal advertising is not allowed.

The MJA does not allow advertising or sponsorship to influence editorial or operational decisions.

We accept advertising and sponsorship from competitor organisations.

We do not accept advertising or sponsorship relating to tobacco products, or to products and services from tobacco companies, their foundations, or their wholly owned subsidiaries.

Advertising and sponsorship are subject to editorial oversight. The MJA’s sponsorship sub committee and/or executive committee reserves the right to accept and reject advertising and sponsorship proposals. If a proposal is refused for reasons outside these guidelines, the MJA will provide an explanation.

MJA Awards

In return for sponsorship organisations are named as the sponsor of an MJA Award.

Linking sponsors to specific awards is purely a mechanism which allows us to thank sponsors for their support.

Sponsors are not involved in deciding the categories of awards available, nor any of the entry requirements or rules and regulations for the awards.

Sponsors are not involved in judging in any way.

Sponsorship income for the awards is pooled and used to cover the cost of staging the Awards Ceremony and associated administrative expenses.

Sponsors of the MJA Awards are provided with a sponsor’s page on the MJA website, that is clearly marked as sponsor content. The MJA always reserves the right to review and if necessary edit this content, so it is in line with MJA editorial policies.

Other events

The MJA may take sponsorship to support other MJA events/symposia/webinars/conferences.  Any sponsorship will be clearly indicated in the details of such events.

Our members will immediately be able to distinguish between MJA events, that are being supported by a sponsor, and where the sponsor will have no influence on the content or structure of the event, and those events that are effectively being advertised by the MJA and have been programmed by an external organisation.

In the case of events being ‘advertised’ the above rules on advertising and sponsored content will be adhered to.

Updated August 2022

Find out more about becoming a sponsor and about our current sponsors