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Payment of MJA annual membership fees

NB: New members should only pay their subscription once they have been approved for membership by the membership secretary. Please visit our membership pages if you have not yet joined in order to fill out the application form, once you are approved then the membership secretary will advise you on what you need to pay.

The annual costs of membership are (please check your standing order is correct as these rates increased on 1 February 2024 – if you standing order payed out at the old rate – please top up the difference by BACS – see bank details below):

Full Membership: £55

Associate Membership: £40

Student Membership: £13

Retired Membership: £13 (This is only open to existing members of the MJA – contact the membership secretary to discuss changing your status to retired).

Subscriptions should be paid by standing order set to pay in February each year.  This means your membership is continuous, there are no fees taken by your bank, and we never have to chase you for payment so your full membership fee can be used for MJA activities.  If you are not paying in February you can make a one off payment now to our bank account and at the same time set the standing order to pay each February, this is particularly relevant to new members who receive a discount if joining late in the year – the membership secretary will advise on what you need to pay when you are accepted into membership.

Please set up your standing order with these details:

Medical Journalists Association
Sort Code: 20-27-91
Account Number: 03647927
Reference: Initials Surname (this is key so that we can identify your payment as some accounts are held in company names)
Bank: Barclays

If you wish to leave the MJA remember you will need to cancel your standing order the MJA cannot do this for you, nor can we change the standing order in any way.

NB: Some members are still paying into an old account held with HSBC that will soon be closed.   Please check your existing standing order is to the above details and amend if necessary, you should also check you are paying the correct amount.

If you are unable to set up a standing order then pay your membership by BACS to the above details.

If you are unable to set up a standing order or pay by BACS then please contact Sallie Robins who can advise