Worshipful Society of Apothecaries – Free Eponymous Lecture Programme

By November 12, 2019Public

The Faculty of the History and Philosophy of Medicine and Pharmacy organise a series of Eponymous Lectures which is held each year at Apothecaries’ Hall. These high-profile events are open to the public and feature distinguished and well-known speakers from a variety of professions. All of these are open to the public as well as Members and Fellows.

The lecture is 6pm-7pm. (For those attending the lecture, a suggested voluntary donation – £5 members, £10 non-members – to support the Faculty would be most welcome. Gift aid envelopes will be available).


All Lectures start promptly at 6pm in Apothecaries’ Hall (Tea from 5.30pm)

Wednesday 27th November 2019, Macdonald Critchley Lecture
Historical Reflections on Medicine and Sexual Violence
Professor Joanna Bourke
Professor of History, Birkbeck, University of London

Tuesday 28th January 2019, John Locke Lecture
Why we need more Placebos in Clinical Practice, and few in Clinical Trials
Dr Jeremy Howick, BA, DipStat, MSc, PhD
Director of the Oxford Empathy Programme

Monday 24th February 2020, Osler Lecture
Rediscovering a local surgical pioneer: the life and work of Judson Chesterman
Dr William Parker, MA MB BChir DHMSA SRPharmS MRCS MRCP

Tuesday 24th March 2020, Sydney Selwyn Lecture
An examination of sex versus gender identity in the General Medical Council’s Tran Healthcare Ethical Guidance
Dr Sara Dahlen, MBBS, BSc (Hons), DPMSA
Medical Humanitarianism – Do motives matter?
Professor Anthony Redmond, OBE
Professor Emeritus, University of Manchester

Thursday 23rd April 2020, Keats Memorial Lecture
Surgery and Emotion Before Anaesthesia
Dr Michael Brown, BA, MSc, PhD, DIC, FHEA, FRHistS

Monday 1st June 2020, Sydenham Lecture
Unlocking the Medieval Medicine Cabinet
Dr Freya Harrison, BA (Hons) DPhil
Assistant Professor, School of Life Sciences, University of Warwick

Wednesday 1st July 2020, Gideon de Laune Lecture
History of Peyote
Mike Jay, Writer

Contact: Maria Ferran, Faculty Manager & Webmaster
Telephone: 020 7236 1189 or Email:

Venue: The Worshipful Society of Apothecaries of London, Black Friars Lane, London EC4V 6EJ

Sallie Robins

Author Sallie Robins

Honorary associate member

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