With thanks to the judges of the MJA Awards 2021…

Adam Brimelow

Frances Beves
Robert Beasley, Interim head of strategic communications and campaigns at London Borough of Waltham Forest.
Frances Beves, Director of communications, National Institute for Health Research
Adam Brimelow, Director of communications NHS Providers; previously BBC health correspondent

Claire Burroughs
Claire Burroughs, Director of communications, policy and research, Royal College of Physicians

Vikki Cook
Catherine Collins, Registered dietitian, media spokesperson for the British Dietetic Association
Vikki Cook, Content and media policy director, Ofcom.
Natasha Donovan, Communications director HappytoHealthYou
Genevieve Edwards, Chief executive, Bowel Cancer UK

Paul Farmer

Natasha Donovan
Paul Farmer, Chief executive, Mind
Helene Feger, NHS director of strategy and comms for digital transformation
Bonnie Green, Consultant/ patient involvement/engagement volunteer: former health/voluntary sector public affairs
Christine Hancock, Founder and director, C3 Collaborating for Health

Bonnie Green

Richard Hoey
Jon Hibbs, Director of communications and engagement, Barts Health NHS Trust
Richard Hoey, Director of communications, Institute of Cancer Research

Jenny Hope
Jenny Hope, Former medical correspondent of the Daily Mail and co-partner of RNA Media training and consultancy in science and health
John Illman, Media consultant at John Illman Communications, Medical Journalist and member of the MJA Executive Committee
Tim Irish, Vice chair NICE, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
Anna Jefferson, Head of Media and Regional Engagement, Care Quality Commission

Anna Jefferson
Louise Jury, Director of communications and marketing, ScreenSkills – the industry-led skills charity for UK screen industry
Anita Knowles, Director of communications, Guys & St Thomas’ NHS Trust
Sophie Lane, Senior Officer, Science Media, Cancer Research UK
Erica McAlpine, Deputy head of communications, South London & Maudsley NHS Trust
Lawrence McGinty, Chair, Medical Journalists’ Association

Christine Hancock
Glyn McIntosh, Director, Bishopsland Educations Trust, former chief executive QUIT
Kaye McIntosh, Former editor WI Life, National Federation of Women’s Institute magazines
Laura Milne, Editorial director, Movember Foundation; former health features editor, Daily Express
Emily Mobley, Media manager, Wellcome Sanger Institute

Clare Murphy
Clare Murphy, Chief Executive, British Pregnancy Advisory Service

Kerry Noble
Vivienne Nathanson, Chair of Nathanson Health Associates
Kerry Noble, Communications consultant in medicine and science
Susan Osborne, Director of communications, The Goodwork Organisation
Daniel Reynolds, Director of communications, NHS Confederation

Jennifer Richardson
Jennifer Richardson, Features editor, The BMJ

Susan Osborne
Genevieve Robson, Co-founder and senior writer at Streaming Well, video for healthcare
Lee Rodwell, Health writer and author
Barbara Rowlands, Hon research fellow in journalism. City, University of London.

Daniel Reynolds
Clare Ryan, Head of Media Relations, Wellcome

Matt Tee
Nick Samuels, Director of healthcare, Freshwater UK
Kate Sidwell, Voluntary sector communications consultant & PR.
Michele Simmons, Health journalist, editorial consultant and author
Matt Tee, Executive director, Integration at NHS
Nicholas Timmins, Former public policy editor, Financial Times; senior fellow at The King’s Fund and Institute for Government
Liz Vercoe, Former associate editor Sunday Mirror magazine

Genevieve Robson
Rachel Vrettos, Communications Consultant, CW+, charity of Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Rachel Vrettos
June Walton, Former deputy editor Good Housekeeping
Christine Webber, Freelance writer and broadcaster
Kate Wighton, Research media manager, Imperial College London.
Judging for the 2021 Awards took place virtually on June 29. Shortlists are announced on July 21 and the winners will be revealed at our awards ceremony on September 22.

Christine Webber
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