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It’s an incredibly tough job to judge entries for the MJA Awards, so we really appreciate the time, expertise and wide range of perspectives our judging panel bring to the process.

We never reveal which categories they judge, but would like to thank our entire judging panel, who are listed here in alphabetical order.

NHS doctor, broadcaster and writer Dr Catherine Hood has joined our judging panel

Maya Anaokar Head of communications and marketing, Patients Association.

Rebecca Asher Partnerships and engagement manager, Wellcome Trust and freelance consultant.

Susan Bahl Head of media, NHS Providers.

Yuba Bessaoud Media lead, communications, National Institute of Health Research (NIHR).

Adam Brimelow Director of communications, NHS Providers; former BBC health correspondent.

James Brindle CEO Journalists’ Charity, former producer/executive director BBC Nottingham.

Claire Burroughs, Director of communications, policy, and research, Royal College of Physicians .             

Alison Cranage Science writer, Wellcome Sanger Institute.

Director of Communications at NHS Providers and former BBC health correspondent Adam Brimelow

Natasha Donovan Fellow in clinical education, Kings College, London; director Happytohealthyou. 

Helene Feger PRSB director of strategy, communications and engagement for digital transformation in the NHS.

Christine Hancock Founder and director, C3 Collaborating for Health. 

Richard Hoey Director of communications, Institute of Cancer Research.

Dr Catherine Hood NHS doctor, specialist in psychosexual medicine, health broadcaster and writer.

Jenny Hope Former Daily Mail medical correspondent; co-partner of RNA Media training and consultancy in science and health.

Anna Jefferson Head of media and regional communications, Care Quality Commission.

Paul Johnson Freelance health journalist.

Louise Jury, Communications director, art and creative industries.

Sophie Lane, Science officer (science media) Cancer Research UK

Sophie Lane, Science officer (science media) Cancer Research UK.

Edel McCaffrey, Group head of corporate communications, LGC, a global life science tools company.

Andrew McCracken, Assistant director, external affairs, The King’s Fund.

Kaye McIntosh, Freelance health journalist.

Owen Meredith, CEO News Media Association (NMA).

Kerry Noble Communications consultant in medicine and science.

Katherine O’Brien, Associate director, British Pregnancy Advisory Service.

Susan Osborne, Director of communications, The Goodwork Organisation.

Jane Plumb Chief executive, Group B Strep Support

Mark Purcell, Managing director Jonathan Street PR, health communicators.

Jo Revill Former health editor, Observer and Evening Standard; former CEO Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health.  Chair of two writers’ copyright bodies; non-executive director at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital

Daniel Reynolds, Director of communications, NHS Confederation.

Jennifer Richardson, Features editor, The BMJ; journalism lecturer, Kingston University

Genevieve Robson, Senior writer and operations director, SWM Health.

Dr David Schley, from Sense About Science

Lee Rodwell, Health writer and author. 

Barbara Rowlands, Hon research fellow in journalism. City, University of London.

Nick Samuels, Director of healthcare, Freshwater UK.

David Schley Deputy director, Sense About Science

Kate Sidwell, Voluntary sector communications consultant and PR. 

Michele Simmons, Health journalist, editorial consultant and author.

Maggie Stratton, Head of media relations Wellcome Trust.

Matt Tee, Executive director, integration, NHS.

Antony Tiernan, Director of communications, NHS75; Director of communications and engagement, London Ambulance Service NHS Trust.

Liz Tucker Director/executive producer Verve Productions; journalist, scientist

Jennifer Richardson, a lecturer in journalism at Kingston University and BMJ features editor

Liz Verco Board member, British Journalism Review

Jennifer Walters, Associate director for media, MIND mental health charity

Cressida Ward, Head of communications and engagement, IBD Registry for people with inflammatory bowel disease.

June Walton, Former deputy editor Good Housekeeping.

Kate Wighton, Junior doctor; former research media manager, Imperial College London.

Mark Wray, Former managing director PA training.

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