Fearless campaigner against deadly bad science to receive the 2024 HealthSense Award

By September 27, 2024Public

MJA members have an exclusive opportunity to meet Patricia Murray, the Liverpool professor who was instrumental in the conviction of disgraced surgeon Paolo Macchiarini, when she gives a presentation on “How stem cell fraud harms patients” at the HealthSense charity’s annual awards ceremony in London on the evening of Thursday 28 November 2024.

Murray, professor of stem cell biology and regenerative medicine at the University of Liverpool, was key to getting University College London to investigate Macchiarini’s lethal “tissue-engineering” research on patients (for more about the Macchiarini scandal see the Netflix mini-series “Bad Surgeon”). She gave evidence for the prosecution at Macchiarini’s criminal trial in Sweden: he was sentenced to 2.5 years in prison for patient abuse in June 2023.

Professor Murray continues to fight the inappropriate use of cell therapies and so-called “regenerative medicine” in patients, even in the face of legal threats. Her complaints to regulators have resulted in GMC investigations, research retractions and the suspension or termination of questionable clinical trials.

High profile cases she has reported have been covered in Science, The BMJ, The Telegraph, Private Eye and by the BBC.

Awards will also be presented to the young winners of this year’s HealthSense Student Prize Competition, now renamed The Richmond Student Prize in honour of HealthSense founder member the late, great Caroline Richmond, who MJA members will remember fondly. This year’s winners of the unique essay competition include a young doctor who arrived here as a refugee from the Syrian conflict in 2016.

The Awards night is on Thursday 28 November 2024 at the Old Reading Room in the Victory Services Club, 63-79 Seymour Street, London W2 2HF. The Old Reading Room is a small, intimate venue with limited seating.

Contact Mandy Payne on 0785 253 9683 or email   if you would like to attend or to arrange an exclusive interview. 

Presentations begin at 7:00pm, there will be an informal drinks reception from 6:30pm to which MJA members are welcome. The media invitation extends until 8:30pm. The meal that follows is for those who have pre-booked and paid only.


Editor’s notes:

HealthSense (previously called HealthWatch) is a UK charity registered in 1991. It is the longest standing advocacy voice for ‘evidence-based’ medicine in the UK. HealthSense promotes fair testing in medical science, fights fraud and quackery, and recognises excellence with an annual student competition and Award. Our trustworthy work is NOT funded by the pharmaceutical industry or hidden vested interests, and relies on generous and talented volunteers as well as elite professionals giving their time. Find out more on the HealthSense website.

Mandy Payne

Author Mandy Payne

Studied Medicine at Edinburgh University, qualified in Marketing at Norwich. Started as a PR manager in the slimming and nutrition industry, switched to journalism, writing freelance health features for newspapers and magazines including weekly features for Daily Mail's Femail and a weekly column in the Sunday Times Style supplement, with occasionals for Top Sante, Pregnancy, She, Esquire. Have edited and produced the quarterly newsletter of the UK charity HealthSense, which promotes evidence-based medicine, since 1995. Actively campaigning against unethical clinical trials and promoting clinical research transparency. Now based in Pembrokeshire, Wales, also collaborating with Brussels-based Words & Science on training in bioethics. Associate member of Committee for Publication Ethics (COPE); member of European Association of Science Editors (EASE).

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