The MJA is not responsible for the content of external websites. We recommend the following:
Journals and literature search resources
Free Medical Journals site (find journals that offer free online access)
British Medical Journal (the BMJ: current, user-friendly and still offers a lot for free!)
Entrez Pubmed (well-featured, free Medline portal)
Paperchase verify page (find/check a citation in one step, a free service from a pay-for Medline portal)
Background information
Nature Genetics – A user’s guide to the human genome (A great site if you want an in depth intro to aspects of the human genome)
Drug information
British National Formulary (Exactly what it says. Free access [very quick registration required])
Electronic medicines compendium (Also patient guides and DoH dictionary of medicines and devices)
US Food & Drug Administration (Various drug info from the FDA)
Medline Plus (Useful, user-friendly info from Medline; US National Institutes of Health)
Wellcome Trust Knowledge Centre
Psci-comlit (Psci-comlit is a free bibliographic database from the Wellcome Library, developed to provide a searchable source of journal, newspaper and book references on science communication, public engagement with science and science in society).
AskCharity (designed to help journalists find the charity contact details they need).
We hope to continue building this page into a useful resource for members. Please email the webmaster with suggestions for new links