Public Directory

Do you need a media expert with specialist knowledge of health and medicine? The Public Directory of the Medical Journalists’ Association provides details of members who are available for consultancy and freelance commissions.

You can search the Directory for members by name, or by the services you need — such as report writing, media training and crisis communications. Fees will depend on experience.

As a membership organisation, the MJA cannot make any specific recommendations so we suggest that you check members’ profiles and websites for details of relevant experience and client feedback.

If you are a full working member and would like to be listed in the Public Directory, click here

If you are not already a member, click here for more on eligibility and the benefits of joining the MJA.

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Julie Penfold


I’m a freelance writer specialising in healthcare and medical journalism. My work can regularly be

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Julie Penfold
I’m a freelance writer specialising in healthcare and medical journalism. My work can regularly be found in healthcare and medical journals as well as consumer health titles from time to time. Some examples of the healthcare and medical titles I’ve written for include, Hospital Healthcare Europe, CareKnowledge, Community Practitioner, Raconteur, British Journal of Healthcare Management, Leadership Issues in Social Care, Primary Health Care, Nursing Standard, Practice Business, Medical News Today and Guardian Social Care. Consumer health titles I’ve contributed to include Be Healthy, Top Sante, Weight Watchers, Your Healthy Living and Candis. I’ve also previously worked as a staff writer for Saga Exceptional (a digital site) where I led on mental wellbeing and brain health content. I’ve also been a three times finalist in both the MJA Awards and the Guild of Health Writers Awards.
A range of media and communications services
Report writing | Conference reporting | Content creation | media_advisory_boards