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(The picture shows the winners of Broadcast Documentary award: Fergus Walsh of BBC News, with Alison Priestly, producer of the programme on his left, and Helen Lambourne of the Wellcome Trust who sponsored the award, on his right. Judge Nicola HIll is on the extreme left,)

MJA News for spring 2013 has just been distributed, by post for the select few who care about print, and as an attachment to your inbox for everyone else. If you know anyone else who would like to receive a copy please let me know.

In MJA News are details of the latest Summer Awards – entry open on April 23 – pictures and a report from the Winter Awards made in January this year and an outline of an event the MJA is running in May on the recent NHS changes, as well as all the usual book reviews and biographies of new members.

On the NoticeBoard (page 2) you will see an item on the thorny issue of fees. Committee member Jane Symons has prepared a background document on some of the horrific stories of cuts and shrinkage that she has discovered, and it is posted on the MJA website. We will be urging you to go online and post your comments underneath this. We may decide to run poll on your experiences if there is support for the idea.

Regards — PHILIPPA (Pigache, MJA hon sec and editor of the newsletter)




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