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In memory of those who died in the cowardly attack on Charlie Hebdo on January 7, 2015.
Stephane Charbonnier, Jean ‘Cabu’ Cabut, Georges Wolinksi, Bernard ‘Tignous’ Verlhac, Philippe Honore, Elsa Cayat, Bernard Maris, Miochel Renaud, Mustapha Ourad, Frederic Boisseau, Ahmed Merabet and Franck Brinsolaro.
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  • Jane Symons says:

    We must defend the right to free speech — and that includes for the likes of Mrs Gillian McKeith, anyone involved with UKIP, Katie Hopkins and other assorted unsavoury characters.

  • Lawrence McGinty says:

    The Paris events are truly awful and should steel our resolve.

  • Judy Hobson says:

    If the membership agrees could we send a message of support to our French journalist colleagues who are continuing to file stories during what must be a time of great anxiety for them. Press freedom is something we must defend at all costs.

  • Philippa Pigache says:

    Nous sommes tous Charlie Hebdo.

    Let no one be deterred from speaking freely, satirically or disrespectfully by this pathetic act of violence. We support all those who take greater risks than we do to follow their calling.

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