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mja summer awards logo featured imageHere is the short list of those selected as finalists for this year’s Summer Awards.

We received 123 entries this year. The winners of the 11 awards  will be announced at the awards ceremony on July 9 at BMA House in central London to which all finalists and all MJA members are invited (see below).

It should be noted that judges are recruited before entries are received. However, in the briefing for judges they are asked to remove themselves from judging any particular entry if they feel there is a conflict (entries from close friends, relatives or colleagues).

Blogger:  judged by Liam Farrell, former family doctor, columnist for BMJ and GP and the award-winning writer, broadcaster and curator of #IrishMed; Daniel Sokol, winner of Column or opinion piece at theWinter Awards 2015 and Kat Arney, science information manager at Cancer Research UK. Sponsored by Merck Serono.

Jerome Burne,

Richard Lehman,

Katie Silver,

Nick Triggle, Serono  Merck logos

Broadcast journalist: judged by Thom Hoffman, London-based filmmaker and multimedia producer; Richard Frediani, programme editor, ITV News and Harriet Vickers, multimedia assistant at the BMJ. Sponsored by Galliard Healthcare Communications.

Faye Kirkland, BBC 5 Live

Victoria Macdonald, Channel 4

Liz Tucker, Verve Productions

Galliard logo
Digital innovation: judged by Ann Mroz, editor and digital publishing director of the Times Educational Supplement; Geraldine Holden, senior web editor at the Wellcome Trust and Richard Warry, assistant editor, BBC Specialist Journalism at the BBC News website. Sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim.

Will Stahl-Timmins, The BMJ

David Swan, Pulse

Nick Triggle, Alison Holt, John Walton, BBC


Editor: judged by Caroline White, BMJ Journals press officer; Ann Shuttleworth, practice and learning editor, Nursing Times and Richard Vize, freelance, former award winner, and former editor of Health Service Journal. Sponsored by Roche.

Jenni Middleton, Nursing Times

Giles Newton, Mosaic (Wellcome Trust)

Nigel Praities, Pulse

Roche logo smallFreelance journalist (general audience):  judged by Fiona Lethbridge, senior press officer at the Science Media Centre; Michelle Dixon, director of communications at Imperial College NHS Trust and Helen Pearson, chief features editor of Nature. Sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim.

Sophie Goodchild

Chloe Lambert

Patrick Strudwick


Freelance journalist (specialist audience):  Nick Bostock, news editor, GP magazine; Rosamund Snow, researcher, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, Oxford, and BMJ patient editor and Sarah Boseley, health editor, the Guardian. Sponsored by Novo Nordisk.

Jacqui Thornton

Ingrid Torjesen

Janet Wrightnovo nordisk logo smallRegional journalist: Mark Nicholls, freelance journalist, former award winner and former news editor of the Eastern Daily Press; Paula O’Shea, MD, Brighton Journalist Works and Carl Slater, news editor, Derby Telegraph. Sponsored by the BMA.

Matthew Hill, BBC, Points West

Rob Osborne, ITV WalesBMA logo smallStaff journalist (general audience): Lawrence McGinty, chair of the MJA; Jo Revill, CEO of The British Society for Immunology, former Whitehall editor at the Observer and Olivia Timbs, former editor of the Pharmaceutical Journal, freelance writer and editor. Sponsored by Astellas.

Sarah Boseley, the Guardian

Steve Connor, The Independent

Andrew Gregory, Daily MirrorAstellas logo smallStaff journalist (specialist audience): judged by Harriet Adcock, news editor, The Pharmaceutical Journal; Mark Gould, freelance journalist and David Payne, editor, Sponsored by Lilly.

Gareth Iacobucci, The BMJ

Shaun Lintern, Health Service Journal

Helen Thomson, New ScientistLilly logo smallStory of the year – the General Election: judged by Helen Crump, Fellow in Health Policy, Nuffield Trust; Richard Hoey, director of communications at The Institute of Cancer Research and Sian Jarvis, strategic communications consultant, former director general of communications at the Department of Health. Sponsored by Bayer.

Jaimie Kaffash, Pulse

Alex Matthews-King, Pulse

Patrick Strudwick, www.buzzfeed.comBayer logo

Young journalist of the year: judged by Susannah Butter, Evening Standard, and winner of the award last year;Rebecca Coombes, head of investigations and features, the BMJ and Jen Taylor,  freelance writer, editor, and professional congress tweeter for the European Society of Cardiology, European Heart Journal, The Times, the European Society for Medical Oncology and Health Service Journal. Sponsored by the MJA

Sophie Barnes, Health Service Journal

Will Hazell, Health Service Journal

Alex Matthews-King, PulseMSD logo small



The presentation of the MJA Summer 2015 Awards is on July 9, at BMA House and, weather permitting, also in their courtyard and herb garden.

The address is: BMA House, Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9JP. Click here for directions.

You are invited for 6.30 pm, and the presentation starts at 7 pm.

Finalists and judges are entitled to bring a guest. Those wishing to bring other guests need to pay a fee of £15 a head.

Click here to RSVP or by emailing the hon sec – Philippa Pigache  to say you will be there and for details about paying for any extra guests.


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