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Nuffield council on bioethicsWhat counts as cosmetic when it comes to ‘cosmetic’ procedures? 

Independent charity the Nuffield Council on Bioethics is setting up a working group looking at the complex ethical issues surrounding cosmetic procedures and how they should be regulated — and they are looking for people with media experience to take part.

BarbieYou can read  more on the background to this project on Council’s website, but the sorts of questions that will be explored revolve around how this field should be regulated,  as a medical procedure or consumer good? What counts as ‘cosmetic’? Are some procedures ethically acceptable, even when they are consented to?

The project will run for about 18 months and is expected to produce a report and recommendations for professional practice and regulation. Click here for more information and the terms of reference

The Council would like to involve people with media expertise in this area alongside academics and practitioners.

If you have covered issues around cosmetic procedures either in print or broadcast national media, and are interested in taking part, email  Katharine Wright or Kate Harvey or call them on 020 7681 9619.


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