Invitation to the first forum on UK Pharmacovigilance post-Brexit

By April 24, 2017Events archive

Press Alert/Invitation

Invitation to the first forum on UK Pharmacovigilance post-Brexit 

When: Wednesday April 26 2017 8.45am-4.45pm

Where:  The Royal College of Physicians, London.

How can we maintain the UK as a pharmacovigilance powerhouse after Brexit?

The UK is a recognised world leader in pharmacovigilance – the monitoring of side effects of medical drugs after they have been licensed for use.

UK pharmacovigilance organisations play a major role within European pharmacovigilance, carrying out studies to ensure the safety of medicines given to the public.

There are fears that Brexit may significantly undermine the UK’s role in pharmacovigilance: We would no longer be part of the regulatory framework of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) which obliges pharmaceutical companies to carry out these studies, and as a result these firms may not want or need to continue to conduct them in the UK.

To address this issue, the Drug Safety Research Unit, an independent UK leader in this field, has organised a Forum on UK Pharmacovigilance post-Brexit.

Speakers include Professor Saad Shakir, the director of the DSRU, Thomas Lonngren, the former Executive Director of the European Medicines Agency, Virginia Acha, Executive Director of Research, Medical and Innovation at the ABPI and legal specialist Lincoln Tsang.

You are invited to attend all or part the meeting at the Royal College of Physicians. There will be an opportunity at 12.30 for one to one interviews with Prof Shakir and others. The full agenda is here.

Please RSVP, or for more information, contact Dr Elizabeth Lynn, Head of Scientific and Educational Development at the DSRU on .

The Drug Safety Research Unit is an independent academic unit which has been conducting post-authorisation pharmacovigilance studies on the safety of medicines for over 30 years. More information can be found at our website

Sallie Robins

Author Sallie Robins

Honorary associate member

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