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Don’t lose out with longform

The opportunities to succeed with longform & narrative journalism are huge in an age when people are reading on different devices and sharing stories like never before. But the competition for readers’ attention is fierce. Getting longform right is difficult, but vital. Well Told, the UK’s first longform conference, is bringing some top UK writers and US narrative teachers to share their storytelling skills – and you can get a massive discount on the ticket prices.

Highlights include:

* Science writer Mun-Keat Looi discussing the challenges of presenting complex subjects in a narrative way with investigative reporter Simon Cox and documentary maker Mobeen Azhar

* Pulitzer-nominated Kelley Benham and her husband, Pulitzer-winner Tom French, will be talking about how they turned the most personal of their stories – about their baby born at 23 weeks – into an acclaimed book, Juniper

* Reporter-turned-publisher Martin Hickman will talk about the kinds of pitches which make it into non-fiction books with Mosaic’s Chrissie Giles.

* And the Guardian’s longtime science writer Tim Radford will be reflecting on the lessons learned from a lifetime in journalism.

With masterclasses on narrative techniques, making podcasts and the secrets of engagement with longform writing learned at the BBC, Well Told is a fantastic opportunity to meet and learn from success stories.

It takes place in central London on the afternoon of Saturday 27 May, and all day on Sunday 28 May.

The full schedule is at

For discount tickets use the code ‘science’ at the checkout – this will give you full tickets for just £40.

Sallie Robins

Author Sallie Robins

Honorary associate member

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