Former BBC News anchor, Maxine Mawhinney will host the 2018 Medical Journalists’ Association Awards, which will be presented on June 20 at the Barber-Surgeon’s Hall in the City of London. Do ensure you RSVP in order to attend the highlight of the MJA year.
We are currently checking entries and finalising details of our judging panels, so look out for updates. Shortlists will be announced early in June.
The MJA Awards are one of the few occasions when the country’s leading health and medical journalists are in the same place, and not under pressure of deadlines, and there are still sponsorship opportunities available. If you would like to know more, please email us at .
This year, we have also introduced a new award — for Excellence in PR — which is supported by the Healthcare Communications Association and is open to entry until midnight on April 30. Click here for more information and details of online entry. This new award, for a press release or media campaign, will be judged by journalists, for journalists, so the winner really will be able to say they know what journalists want.
Categories in the MJA awards for health and medical journalism are:
- Charity Writer or Broadcaster of the Year
- Blogger of the Year — sponsored by Sanofi
- Newcomer of the Year (36 or fewer months in journalism at the closing date)
- Regional Reporter of the Year
- Mental Health Story of the Year
- Feature of the Year (specialist audience)
- Feature of the Year (broadcast)
- Feature of the Year (general audience)
- News Story of the Year (specialist audience)
- News Story of the Year (broadcast)
- News Story of the Year (general audience)
- Case Study of the Year
- Science Explained — sponsored by MSD
- Freelance of the Year
- Editor of the Year — sponsored by Lilly
- Outstanding Contribution to Health or Medical Journalism – chosen by the judges from entries across all categories
With thanks to our sponsors and supporters
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