MJA lunch and learn: Get under the bonnet of COVID-19 data with Prof Mary E Black

By July 12, 2021COVID19, Public

Mary Black

Would you like to get under the bonnet of COVID-19 data, covering the basics of how it is constructed? Have you got a table or graph that is perplexing you, or a question about R, Incidence, Prevalence, Modelling or coverage? Would you like the inside track on how public-facing dashboards are produced in real life? If so, do join our lunch and learn 12:30-13:30 Tuesday August 10, 2021.

The session will comprise a show and tell of a range of COVID-19 data and there will be plenty of time for questions from attendees.

Prof Mary E Black is an international public health leader, medical doctor and data expert. She is currently Senior Advisor for Covid-19 Vaccination and a COVID-19 Incident Director at Public Health Scotland. Mary is also a longstanding member of the MJA and a regular columnist with the British Medical Journal.

A recording of this event will be available to members’ in our resources/webinar section soon.

Sallie Robins

Author Sallie Robins

Honorary associate member

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