Workplace Mental Health and Wellbeing – review by MJA member Fiona Milne

By March 25, 2022Books

With thanks to MJA member Fiona Milne for this review of Dr Nick Stafford’s book.

In the stressed world of work, if you can only measure it – and Dr Nick Stafford gives many ways and means to do that – you can get your job and your own mental health under control. And then, with some Sellotape, A3 pieces of paper, and a loyal friend and spouse to help you, your life can be brought kicking and screaming from illness back to health and happiness.

This is to simplify what is a complex manual of support, written by Nick Stafford who has many years’ experience as a clinical consultant psychiatrist working within the NHS. It has a wealth of information and practical guidance which many professionals will find helpful when used as source material.

As a book about work stress and mental health it is Dr Stafford’s view of the world of work. He tries to simplify his wealth of clinical experience – not always successfully in my opinion – into a manual for self-help. However, it is probably written primarily as a guide for a person with a diagnosed mental health condition, who has the ongoing support of a healthcare professional, and access to optimal treatment.

Perhaps it lacks insight into the real world of work, what is possible to change, and the mindset of a person truly established in their destructive behaviours. So, for example, in one glorious paragraph, the advice in summary is to “stop drinking, smoking, establish good sleep patterns, eat healthily, and take up exercise”. If only it were that easy!

The book, physically, is a pleasure to read, although the chapters are not clearly separated and numbered, perhaps on purpose, which would make it easier to use. Although there is a limited use of jargon, a glossary of terms would also be helpful.

And if I may add to the delightful quotes that begin each chapter, with a quote from WB Yeats. The aim of this book is, perhaps “To bring the balloon of the mind that bellies and drags in the wind into its narrow shed”

Workplace Mental Health and Wellbeing: A Holistic Guide for Employees and their Healthcare Professionals by MJA member Dr Nick Stafford

Publisher : My Mind Books; 1st edition (20 Nov. 2021)

The book is available at:

Sallie Robins

Author Sallie Robins

Honorary associate member

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