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The 2023 judging day was held at the offices of Virgo Health

Despite the on-again off-again rail strikes, a lot of our judges were able to get into London for the 2023 MJA Awards judging day, which took place in a fabulous meeting space provided by our newest sponsor, Virgo Health.

Some panels are meeting via Zoom and when all the shortlists are finalised we they will published on the website, and shared on social media. Click here to see a full list of our judges.

As ever, the standard of entries in many of the categories has been phenomenal, so just making the shortlists is an achievement.

Judging process

There are two phases to the judging process. The judging panel for each award will look at all the entries in that category and rank their top three or five — depending on the number of entries.

Judges are asked to consider a number of elements including how well the journalist has told the story for their particular audience.

We never reveal who is on the individual judging panels for each category, but judges are selected on the basis of specialist expertise and to ensure a range of perspectives.

The results of this first round of judging are tabulated to create a shorter list of entries which are discussed, and sometimes hotly debated, on judging day. Judges may also decide that an entry is worthy of being ‘highly commended’.

Learn more about opportunities to sponsor an award, or partner with the MJA.




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