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Christmas is coming early, it’s official. Thanks to our dramatically improved sponsorship situation, we are able to reduce the price of the Christmas party to just £10 for members (and £20 for guests).

So be sure to RSVP asap to secure your place and catch up with colleagues over drinks and food —  on December 5 — at the Morpeth Arms, from 7pm.

It will also be a chance to meet our new administrator Sam Gibbs, though sadly Sallie will be unable to join us due to ABSW commitments.

The £10 charge goes towards the cost of the room, food and a glass of prosecco on arrival — with a pay bar (in the room) for further drinks. Partners and guests are also welcome (ticket price £20).

If you aren’t familiar with the Morpeth Arms, it’s a Young’s pub, a short walk from Pimlico or Victoria tubes, and the aptly named Spying Room has stunning views of the Thames and MI5.

Click here to RSVP



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