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Would you like to review books related to health and medicine for the MJA website?

From time to time we are offered review copies by publishers, or are looking for someone to review books written by MJA members — so we would like to pull together a list of potential reviewers.

There is no fee, but there is the reward of free books and the opportunity to share your expertise. As reviews can be posted as either public or password protect content, this is also a great opportunity for student members, or members wishing to diversify or promote a portfolio career, to showcase their talents.

If you’re interested, please fill in the form below.   Please note you need to be a member of the MJA to be one of our reviewers but you can of course join and then become one of our reviewers!

Book reviewers

Use this form if you would like to review books for the MJA website

  • Are there any subjects or issues in which you have specific expertise or a particular interest?
    You need to be a current member of the MJA to join our book review team. Do complete our application form if you wish to join and once your membership is processed come back to complete this form.
    Do you consent to the MJA holding these details for the purposes of book reviews?


Content Editor

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