The ‘real’ news is that probably none of us knows what Britain’s decision to leave the EU will really mean. But if you are looking for evidence-based analysis, facts and statistics about the Brexit process, implications for the National Health Service and a running commentary from some of the key players, the Brexit and the NHS web pages put together by the NHS Confederation in collaboration with the Cavendish Coalition are invaluable.
In a pre-Article 50 poll, the overwhelming majority of MJA members and guests to our website believed Brexit was bad news for the National Health Service. More than two out of three (69%) who voted in our poll thought the decision would be detrimental to the NHA, while 13 per cent thought it would have no impact and 18 pre cent thought it was too soon to tell.
Has your opinion changed? Should we accept the vote and get on with the negotiations? Is there a win-win scenario? Are we doomed by the decision?
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