Should we provide input on data?

By July 14, 2023Public

Image by Geralt, via Pixabay

Data has always been a big part of our work as journalists, and Big Data means it will become increasingly important.

But our stories — and decisions on healthcare — are only as good as the data on which they draw. As some statisticians have point out bluntly, ‘Shit in, shit out’.

The Government has launched an inquiry, Transforming the UK’s Evidence Base, to look into all aspects of the collection and use of data — and how this might be improved.

Token sharing?

One question which we’re sure will be of interest is, “How successfully do Government Departments share data?” For some members, I suspect the words the words ‘blood’ and ‘stone’ come to mind.

Do you think the Medical Journalists’ Association should make a submission to this call for evidence? And if so, what issues and points would you like to raise?

The link provide shows you the terms of the inquiry. The deadline is August 5pm, August 18.

Please give us your initial feedback in comments below.

Jane Symons


Content Editor

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