Why Can’t I See My GP? The Past, Present and Future of General Practice, by Dr Ellen Welch, Calon, £16.99. Reviewed by John Illman Not so long ago GP telephone consultations…
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Why Can’t I See My GP? The Past, Present and Future of General Practice, by Dr Ellen Welch, Calon, £16.99. Reviewed by John Illman Not so long ago GP telephone consultations…
Award-winning author Dr Carol Cooper takes you on a journey through the 12 objects that have come to define medicine through the ages – from the barbaric and bizarre to…
Published on 20th August 2024, The Blighted Son tells the extraordinary story of heart transplant recipient James Fisher, whose lifesaving surgical procedure has entirely unexpected consequences. Invited to witness a…
Systemic is an investigation of the shocking and insidious ways in which racism harms health – and an exploration of how we can tackle the problem to create a fairer…
Why Can’t I See My GP? The Past, Present and Future of General Practice by Dr Ellen Welch was released by Calon/University of Wales Press this month– and is already…
Richenda Power – Experiment in Selection ‘This selection of experiments in writing brings together a striking gathering of poems that cluster and disperse around points, moments and the movement of…
Review by MJA member Richenda Power Rearranged: An Opera Singer’s Facial Cancer and Life Transposed, by Kathleen Watt, has a great cover illustration, and lists subgenres of narrative and autoethnography….
Review by MJA member Fiona Milne Tom Bell writes about his vision of a fairer society. A personable, informed, well researched account of our society’s health and wellbeing. It is…
Journalists don’t normally alert potential rivals to topics they are writing about it. I’ve never done so before, but some things transcend common rivalries. But first, the story within the…
John Illman reviews Englistan: An immigrant’s journey on the turbulent winds of Pakistani cricket by Kamran Abbasi. Jadoo Books I wouldn’t like to guess how many different publications I’ve written for — probably…
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