Public Directory

Do you need a media expert with specialist knowledge of health and medicine? The Public Directory of the Medical Journalists’ Association provides details of members who are available for consultancy and freelance commissions.

You can search the Directory for members by name, or by the services you need — such as report writing, media training and crisis communications. Fees will depend on experience.

As a membership organisation, the MJA cannot make any specific recommendations so we suggest that you check members’ profiles and websites for details of relevant experience and client feedback.

If you are a full working member and would like to be listed in the Public Directory, click here

If you are not already a member, click here for more on eligibility and the benefits of joining the MJA.

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Jane Symons


Jane is a freelance journalist, author and media consultant whose credits range from The Sun to the

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Comment Commented On Comment Date Details

RSVP from me, look forward to catching up with everyone

RSVP for 2015 Winter Awards 2015-01-14 15:57:56 Read More

We must defend the right to free speech — and…

Je suis Charlie 2015-01-09 12:14:47 Read More

Lol, who needs a Lambourghini when you have a Jaguar…

My WalkActive Mantra in La Manga 2014-11-05 07:53:22 Read More

Danny Buckland and I will be fielding two teams —…

Book now for the quiz 2014-10-28 10:14:56 Read More

Danny and I are putting together two tables, will update…

Book now for the quiz 2014-10-22 11:09:52 Read More

Lynn Eaton, rsvp'd via email

Libel laws explained: November 4 meeting 2014-10-20 07:05:00 Read More
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