Nurturing talent is essential to ensure that excellence in health and medical journalism not only survives, but thrives — so the MJA now has a student representative advising the executive…
Resources and advice for students and young journalists interested in pursuing a career in health or medical journalism.
Nurturing talent is essential to ensure that excellence in health and medical journalism not only survives, but thrives — so the MJA now has a student representative advising the executive…
The MJA awards 2023 are now open to entry until midnight on Wednesday May 31, 2023. (23:59 on May 31, but we’ll give you an extra minute) There are £750…
If you weren’t able to make the 2023 Medical Journalists’ Symposium, watch this highlights package for some great insights and tips on investigative journalism created by EC member Elisabeth Mahase….
Videos and resources from this event can be found in our members’ only resources section Download Final Details for Attending this MJA Event(PDF): Registration, map, covid safety, programme etc NB:…
Would you like to review books related to health and medicine for the MJA website? From time to time we are offered review copies by publishers, or are looking for…
Elisabeth Mahase is Clinical News Reporter at The British Medical Journal and winner of the Medical Journalists’ Association Award for Best Newcomer in 2019. Here she explains how she got into health…
Event report/blog post by Ilan Goodman of The Winton Centre for Risk and Evidence Communication In November 2019 I led a session with MJA members exploring ways to report risks from…
MJA Executive Committee member Danny Buckland on the synergy of science and journalism. Journalism and science are made for each other; a mission to discover combined with a desire to…
In the first of what will be a series of stories, Stephen Matthews, the 24-year-old editor of MailOnline Health explains how he got a start in health journalism, and offers…
The MJA is keen to encourage students and young journalists who are interested in pursuing a career in health and medical journalism — they are, after all, our future. To…
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