Public Directory

Do you need a media expert with specialist knowledge of health and medicine? The Public Directory of the Medical Journalists’ Association provides details of members who are available for consultancy and freelance commissions.

You can search the Directory for members by name, or by the services you need — such as report writing, media training and crisis communications. Fees will depend on experience.

As a membership organisation, the MJA cannot make any specific recommendations so we suggest that you check members’ profiles and websites for details of relevant experience and client feedback.

If you are a full working member and would like to be listed in the Public Directory, click here

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Jane Symons


Jane is a freelance journalist, author and media consultant whose credits range from The Sun to the

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Definitely a sparkle, Susan Murray has also confirmed via Twitter…

Sign up now for the Christmas Quiz 2015-10-21 12:44:52 Read More

Count me in! Hoping to reconvene Sparkles and Spoons

Sign up now for the Christmas Quiz 2015-10-20 10:04:15 Read More

Lol Joani, spare my blushes. But you know me, impossible…

The very ugly side of Miss Eco Glam 2015-08-25 14:26:26 Read More

AUGUST 18: Sad to say this creature returned to Twitter…

The very ugly side of Miss Eco Glam 2015-08-18 06:59:39 Read More

UPDATE: Delighted to announce that Miss Rodgers has now deleted…

The very ugly side of Miss Eco Glam 2015-08-14 10:56:37 Read More

Indeed, a hard act to follow — huge kudos and…

Philippa lightens her load 2015-07-19 06:35:10 Read More

And me

RSVP for the AGM 2015-07-13 10:31:29 Read More

Look forward to seeing you all there

RSVP for summer awards and an Amateur Transplant 2015-07-01 08:39:08 Read More

Congratulations Lawrence on such a thoroughly well deserved award. The…

Lifetime achievement award for MJA chair 2015-02-19 08:11:14 Read More

Plus guest Nicky Smith

RSVP for 2015 Winter Awards 2015-01-21 12:24:56 Read More
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