The new chair of the MJA is Lawrence McGinty, former science and medical editor for ITV News, who was elected unanimously at the AGM on October 3. The award-winning journalist…
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The new chair of the MJA is Lawrence McGinty, former science and medical editor for ITV News, who was elected unanimously at the AGM on October 3. The award-winning journalist…
Pulse editor Nigel Praities, took editor of the year, and reporter Alex Matthews-King won story of the year — Care-data — at the 2014 Medical Journalists’ Association Summer Awards. Praities, joined Pulse…
The Researching Far East POW History Group (RFH) is holding its 5th research conference on Sunday June 7, 2015 at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM). RFH was established in 2005 with…
The court of MJA opinion has convened and passed judgement on the charge: The current system of publishing clinical trials is not fit for purpose. The jury heard from five…
The first meeting of the MJA was held on February 1, 1967, in the ancient cellars of Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese, one of Fleet Street’s most celebrated pubs, and a…
Why are we still using electroconvulsive therapy? a Newsnight film made by Jim Reed and James Clayton took the new award for a short medical science film at the MJA Winter Awards….
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